Tk::TOTD - Tip Of The Day dialog for Perl/Tk.


    use Tk::TOTD;

    my $top = MainWindow->new();

    my $totd = $top->TOTD (
      -title    => 'Tip Of The Day -- MyPerlApp',
      -messages => \@messages,



Tk::TOTD provides a simple Tip of the Day dialog for Perl/Tk programs.


The options recognized by **Show** are as follows:

- **-title**

    Specify the title of the Tip Of The Day dialog. Defaults to "Tip Of The Day"

- **-messages**

    The array of tip messages. If omitted, a default 10 tips about this module
    will be used instead.

- **-slogan**

    Set the slogan at the top of the dialog. Default is "Did you know that..."

- **-image**

    A [Tk::Photo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Tk::Photo) object. If omitted, the default totd image is used. This default
    image is appropriate for most TOTD usages, but if you use this as something other
    than a Tip Of The Day you may want to use your own image. The default image's
    dimensions are **23x31**.

- **-background**

    The main window's background color. Defaults to #BFBFBF

- **-leftbackground**

    Background color for the left panel (where the image and slide number is). Defaults
    to #808080

- **-mainbackground**

    The background color of the main content area. Defaults to #FFFFFF (white).

- **-slidecolor**

    The text color of the slide number (as on the left panel). Defaults to #FFFF99.

- **-foreground**

    Main foreground color of text. Defaults to #000000 (black).

- **-mainfont**

    The main font family used on most of the labels. Defaults to Arial.

- **-mainfontsize**

    Font size of the main font. Defaults to 10.

- **-titlefont**

    The font family used on the slogan text. Defaults to Times New Roman.

- **-titlefontsize**

    Font size on the slogan text. Defaults to 14.

- **-checklabel**

    The label on the checkbutton. Defaults to "Show tips at startup"

- **-checkvariable**

    The variable to store the state of the checkbutton. 1 for checked, 0 for not.

- **-closebutton**

    The text of the close button. Defaults to "Close"

- **-nextbutton**

    The text of the next button. Defaults to "Next Tip"


- **Show (? options ?)**

    Displays the Tip Of The Day dialog. The TOTD dialog is based from Tk::DialogBox
    and therefore will pause your main window.

- **configure (? options ?)**

    Reconfigure previously set options.

- **destroy ()**

    Completely clean up the TOTD DialogBox. This method is a workaround for an
    underlying bug in `Tk::DialogBox` wherein if a DialogBox is open, and you
    close the `MainWindow` by clicking on the "X" button from the window manager,
    your program doesn't exit completely because the DialogBox is waiting on a
    variable that's only set when a button has been clicked.

    You can work around this bug by calling `destroy()` on your `Tk::TOTD`
    object when your `MainWindow` is exited.

        $mw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub {


    Version 0.5 - Sep 18 2015
    - Add dependency on Tk modules.

    Version 0.4 - Nov 11 2013
    - Add the destroy() method to allow for a workaround to a bug in

    Version 0.3 - Nov  1 2013
    - Fix a bug where using the "Close" button on the dialog wouldn't dismiss the
      dialog properly, and the program would never exit gracefully again.

    Version 0.2 - Jan 16 2005
    - The widget now behaves as a DialogBox as it should, blocking the main window
      until closed.


None known yet.


Noah Petherbridge, http://www.kirsle.net/

This code is distributed under the same terms as Perl.