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<ul id="index">
  <li><a href="#NAME">NAME</a></li>
  <li><a href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
  <li><a href="#INSTALLATION">INSTALLATION</a></li>
  <li><a href="#CONFIGURATION">CONFIGURATION</a></li>
  <li><a href="#USAGE">USAGE</a></li>
  <li><a href="#AUTHORS">AUTHORS</a></li>
  <li><a href="#BUGS">BUGS</a></li>
  <li><a href="#SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</a></li>

<h1 id="NAME">NAME</h1>

<p>RT::Extension::ReferenceIDoitObjects - Create a ticket in relation to one or more i-doit objects</p>


<p>This extension gives you the opportunity to combine an issue tracker like RT with an IT documentation tool / CMDB like i-doit. It uses i-doit&#39;s API to relate a ticket with one or more CIs / objects managed by i-doit. On i-doit&#39;s side you are able to view all tickets related to an object. This extension also supports i-doit&#39;s multi-mandator functionality.</p>

<p>i-doit (&quot;I document IT&quot;) is a web-based tool to document complex IT infrastructures. It provides several modules like a ITIL compliant Configuration Management Database (CMDB). More information about i-doit is available under <a href="http://www.i-doit.org/">http://www.i-doit.org/</a>. Its core is Free and Open Source Software. Visit <a href="http://www.i-doit.com/">http://www.i-doit.com/</a> for commercial support and additional services.</p>


<p>This extension requires RT 4.2.x or higher and a running installation of i-doit 1.3 or higher.</p>

<p><b>Important notice:</b> This version is no longer compatible to Request Tracker version 4.0.x and i-doit version 1.2.x or older! Please use version 0.92 instead if you need compatibility to those older versions.</p>

<p>To install this extension, run the following commands:</p>

<pre><code>    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install
    make initdb</code></pre>

<p>Executing the last command creates 2 new custom fields, so please do it only once. These fields contain the i-doit mandator and the referenced objects.</p>

<p>Another way to install the latest release is via CPAN:</p>

<pre><code>    cpan RT::Extension::ReferenceIDoitObjects
    $RT_HOME/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert --datafile /opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects/etc/initialdata</code></pre>

<p>The second command is equivalent to <code>make initdb</code>, but is unfortunately not executed automatically. <code>$RT_HOME</code> is the path to your RT installation, for example <code>/opt/rt4</code>.</p>


<p>To enable this extension edit the RT site configuration based in <code>$RT_HOME/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm</code>:</p>

<pre><code>    Set(@Plugins,qw(RT::Extension::ReferenceIDoitObjects));</code></pre>

<p>i-doit has a built-in API based on JSON-RPC. To call this API set its URL:</p>

<pre><code>    Set($IDoitURL, &#39;http://example.org/i-doit/&#39;);

    Set($IDoitAPI, $IDoitURL . &#39;?api=jsonrpc&#39;);

    Set(%IDoitMandatorKeys, (
        &#39;Mandator 1&#39; =&gt; &#39;api key&#39;,
        &#39;Mandator 2&#39; =&gt; &#39;api key&#39;

    Set($IDoitDefaultMandator, &#39;Mandator 1&#39;);

    Set($IDoitDefaultView, &#39;objects&#39;); # &#39;objects&#39;, &#39;workplaces&#39;, &#39;devices&#39;, or &#39;item&#39;

    Set($IDoitInstalledSoftware, &#39;relations&#39;); # &#39;objects&#39;, or &#39;relations&#39;

    Set($IDoitShowCustomFields, 1); # 1 (&#39;yes&#39;) or 0 (&#39;no&#39;)</code></pre>


<dt id="IDoitURL"><code>$IDoitURL</code></dt>

<p>It&#39;s <i>highly recommended</i> to establish an encrypted connection between RT and i-doit over a network, e. g. TLS over HTTP (HTTPS).</p>

<dt id="IDoitAPI"><code>$IDoitAPI</code></dt>

<p>Please be aware of browsers&#39; &quot;<b>Same Origin Policy</b>&quot;! This extension uses AJAX requests access i-doit&#39;s API. If RT and i-doit are not available under the same domain name (or IP address), AJAX calls will fail.</p>

<p>To avoid this &quot;problem&quot; (actually this policy is very useful) you can setup an AJAX proxy. This extension already provides such a proxy located under <code>etc/</code>. It&#39;s written in PHP, so you have to install PHP 5.2 or higher and the PHP extension <code>curl</code> on the same machine where RT is installed. Make this little script available through your web server and edit the script by setting <code>$l_url</code> to the URL of i-doit&#39;s API, e. g. <code>http://example.org/i-doit/index.php?api=jsonrpc</code>. In RT&#39;s site configuration <code>$IDoitAPI</code> has to be set to this script, e. g. <code>http://rt.example.org/path/to/i-doit_api_proxy.php</code>.</p>

<dt id="IDoitMandatorKeys"><code>$IDoitMandatorKeys</code></dt>

<p>This is a list of mandators with their API keys. Just put the name and API key of every mandator in i-doit you like to relate to tickets.</p>

<p><b>Notice:</b> Within the Web GUI you must configure the custom field &quot;i-doit mandator&quot;. Add a new value for each mandator. The important field is <code>name</code> where you should set the mandator name.</p>

<dt id="IDoitDefaultMandator"><code>$IDoitDefaultMandator</code></dt>

<p>Choose a default mandator for every situation where it&#39;s needed. Use its name (or whatever you like) to identify the mandator. This name has be to added to the list of the corresponding custom field as well.</p>

<dt id="IDoitDefaultView"><code>$IDoitDefaultView</code></dt>

<p>When creating or editing a ticket, this extension adds a so-called <i>object browser</i> to the web interface. The browser gives you several views on objects:</p>


<dt id="objects"><code>objects</code></dt>

<p>Select objects provided by the API and filter them by type.</p>

<dt id="workplaces"><code>workplaces</code></dt>

<p>Select users&#39; workplaces and their related sub objects. Each user will be taken by the email address provided by RT&#39;s field &quot;Requestors&quot; if these users are documented in i-doit.</p>

<p>i-doit gives you the possiblity to create relations between users, their workplaces and all equipment related to these workplaces.</p>

<p>Tip: You may synchronize user information between OTRS and i-doit via LDAP.</p>

<dt id="devices"><code>devices</code></dt>

<p>Select assigned devices for current requestor. Those devices are objects in i-doit which have this requestor as an assigend person.</p>

<dt id="selected"><code>selected</code></dt>

<p>View and remove all selected items.</p>


<dt id="IDoitInstalledSoftware"><code>$IDoitInstalledSoftware</code></dt>

<p>Defines which type of objects will be shown for the installed software. There are two options: &quot;objects&quot; or &quot;relations&quot;.</p>


<dt id="objects1"><code>objects</code></dt>

<p>Shows software objects which are assigned to the currently selected object.</p>

<dt id="relations"><code>relations</code></dt>

<p>Shows the software relation between the object and the assigned software.</p>


<dt id="IDoitShowCustomFields"><code>$IDoitShowCustomFields</code></dt>

<p>Sometimes it&#39;s better to &quot;clean up&quot; the web user interface. Whenever you only have 1 mandator within i-doit and don&#39;t want to edit the object identifiers manually it&#39;s recommended to hide the used custom fields. Select 1 to show them or 0 to hide them.</p>


<p>After all your new configuration will take effect after restarting your RT environment:</p>

<pre><code>    rm -rf $RT_HOME/var/mason_data/obj/* &amp;&amp; service apache2 restart</code></pre>

<p>This is an example for deleting the mason cache and restarting the Apache HTTP web server on a Debian GNU/Linux based operating system.</p>


<p>You may see and create object-related tickets within i-doit. Please refer to the i-doit manual to enable this feature.</p>

<p>If you create a new ticket in i-doit a new browser tab will be opened with the RT user interface. Sometimes RT shows a warning that there is a CSR attack. If you observe this behavior edit RT&#39;s local configuration file <code>$RT_HOME/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm</code> where <code>$RT_HOME</code> is the path to your RT installation, for example <code>/opt/rt4</code>:</p>

<pre><code>    Set($RestrictReferrer, 0); # avoids possible CSR attacks</code></pre>

<p>Don&#39;t forget to clear the Mason cache and restart your webserver.</p>

<p><b>Notice:</b> This setting could breach your security!</p>

<h1 id="USAGE">USAGE</h1>

<p>Whenever you create a new ticket or edit an existing one you are able to reference this ticket with one or more objects in i-doit. An additional box with the so-called &quot;object browser&quot; will shown up. Just select the objects you need or unselect the objects you don&#39;t need.</p>

<h1 id="AUTHORS">AUTHORS</h1>

<p>Benjamin Heisig, &lt;bheisig@synetics.de&gt;</p>

<p>Leonard Fischer, &lt;lfischer@synetics.de&gt;</p>

<p>Van Quyen Hoang, &lt;qhoang@synetics.de&gt;</p>


<p>You can find documentation for this module with the <code>perldoc</code> command.</p>

<pre><code>    perldoc RT::Extension::ReferenceIDoitObjects</code></pre>

<p>You can also look for information at:</p>


<dt id="Search-CPAN"><b>Search CPAN</b></dt>

<p><a href="http://search.cpan.org/dist/RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects/">http://search.cpan.org/dist/RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects/</a></p>

<dt id="RT:-CPANs-request-tracker"><b>RT: CPAN&#39;s request tracker</b></dt>

<p><a href="http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects">http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects</a></p>

<dt id="AnnoCPAN:-Annotated-CPAN-documentation"><b>AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation</b></dt>

<p><a href="http://annocpan.org/dist/RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects">http://annocpan.org/dist/RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects</a></p>

<dt id="CPAN-Ratings"><b>CPAN Ratings</b></dt>

<p><a href="http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects">http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects</a></p>

<dt id="Repository"><b>Repository</b></dt>

<p><a href="https://github.com/bheisig/rt-extension-referenceidoitobjects">https://github.com/bheisig/rt-extension-referenceidoitobjects</a></p>


<h1 id="BUGS">BUGS</h1>

<p>Please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="#AUTHORS">authors</a>.</p>


<p>Copyright (C) 2011-14 synetics GmbH, &lt;http://i-doit.org/&gt;</p>

<p>This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>

<p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.</p>

<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see &lt;http://www.gnu.org/licenses/&gt;.</p>

<p>Request Tracker (RT) is Copyright Best Practical Solutions, LLC.</p>

<h1 id="SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</h1>

<pre><code>    RT</code></pre>

