NAME Net::UpYun - Simple client library for UpYun Restful API. SYNOPSIS # Yes, I love modern perl! use v5.12; use Net::UpYun; my $upyun = Net::UpYun->new( bucket_account => 'xxxxx', bucket_password => 'xxxx', bucket => 'bucket_name', # optional api_domain => '', ); # get bucket/folder/file usage my $usage = $upyun->usage; # or folder/file say $upyun->usage('/demo'); # switch bucket $upyun->use_bucket('bucket_new'); # use different account/password $upyun->use_bucket('bucket_new',$new_account,$new_password); # create dir my $ok = $upyun->mkdir('/demo2'); # list file under the directory my $files = $upyun->list('/demo2'); # rm dir my $ok = $upyun->rmdir('/demo2'); # upload file my $ok = $upyun->put($file_key,$file_bytes); # get file content my $bytes = $upyun->get($file_key); # delete file $upyun->delete($file_key); # change api domaim $upyun->api_domain(''); DESCRIPTION This module provides very simple interfaces to UpYun Cloud servie,for more details about UpYun storage/CDN clound service, see <>. This module uses WWW::Curl and libcurl for best performance, I just test on Mac Lion and Linux, maybe works on Windows/Cygwin. METHODS new() bucket bucket_account bucket_password api_domain usage($path) # whole bucket used storage $upyun->usage; # some dir/folder say $upyun->usage('/dir1'); # some file size say $upyun->usage('/dir1/demo1.jpg'); List bucket or path(folder or file) used space. use_bucket($new_bucket_name,$new_account?,$new_password?) # switch to new bucket,account/password same as current $upyun->use_bucket('bucket2'); # switch to new bucket, also set new account/password $upyun->use_bucket('bucket3','new_user','new_password'); Switch to another bucket, if omit new_account,new_password, use previous defined. mkdir($path) my $ok = $upyun->mkdir('/path1/path2'); Build directory or path. rmdir($path) my $ok = $upyun->rmdir('/path1'); Delete the directory, it must be empty. list($path) my $dir_content_str = $upyun->list('/'); List files under the directory. TODO: $dir_content_str is plain text, need to parse. put($path,$bytes) # it will auto mkdir. my $ok = $upyun->put('/demo/1.txt','okokok'); Upload content to the file, it will auto create directories. NOTE: According UpYun note, max directories deep level is limited to 10, be careful. get($path) say $upyun->get('/demo/1.txt'); Get the file content. delete($path) my $ok = $upyun->delete('/demo/1.txt'); Delete the file. reponse my $http_response = $upyun->response; Returns latest response,it's an instance of HTTP::Response. res_content Raw response content body. is_success is_error These methods indicate if the response was informational, successful, or an error. If the response code was 2xx code, is_success is true, else is_error is true. error_code The code is a 3 digit number that encode the overall outcome of the last HTTP response. error_message The message is a short human readable single line string that explains the last response code. do_request Internal, send signed request to server. sign Private. TODOS Much jobs to do. * handy client shell. * copy/move file under same bucket or between different bucket. * simple check file exists on remote ,no need to fetch its content,save bandwidth. * display/compare files checksum(MD5) local and remote. * streaming upload to save memory. * useful utility, like tar/untar to/from upyun on fly. * multi operation and performance requests in parallel. * code clean and refactory. AUTHOR Night Sailer(Pan Fan) <nightsailer{at}gmail_dot_com> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) Pan Fan(nightsailer) LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.