NAME WebService::BaseClientRole VERSION version 0.0003 SYNOPSIS # Easily create a web service client: # FILE: lib/WebService/ package WebService::Foo; use Moo; with 'WebService::BaseClientRole'; has auth_token => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 ); has '+base_url' => ( default => '' ); sub BUILD { my ($self) = @_; $self->ua->default_header('X-Auth-Token' => $self->auth_token); } sub get_widgets { my ($self) = @_; return $self->get("/widgets"); } sub get_widget { my ($self, $id) = @_; return $self->get("/widgets/$id"); } sub create_widget { my ($self, $widget_data) = @_; return $self->post("/widgets", $widget_data); } 1; # Example usage # FILE: my $client = WebService::Foo->new( auth_token => 'abc', logger => Log::Tiny->new('/tmp/foo.log'), # optional timeout => 10, # optional, defaults to 10 retries => 0, # optional, defaults to 0 ); $client->create_widget({ color => 'blue' }); DESCRIPTION This module is a generic base role for quickly and easily creating web service clients. Every time I created a web service client, I noticed that I kept rewriting the same boilerplate code independent of the web service. This module does the boring boilerplate for you so you can just focus on the fun part - writing the web service specific code. SEE ALSO * Net::HTTP::API * Role::REST::Client AUTHOR Naveed Massjouni <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Naveed Massjouni. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.