NAME Net::Sieve - Implementation of managesieve protocol to manage sieve scripts SYNOPSIS use Net::Sieve; my $SieveServer = Net::Sieve->new ( server => '', user => 'user', password => 'pass' , ); foreach my $script ( $SieveServer->list() ) { print $script->{name}." ".$script->{status}."\n"; }; my $name_script = 'test'; # read print $SieveServer->get($name_script); # write my $test_script=' require "fileinto"; ## Place all these in the "Test" folder if header :contains "Subject" "[Test]" { fileinto "Test"; } '; # other $SieveServer->put($name_script,$new_script); $SieveServer->activate($name_script); $SieveServer->deactivate(); $SieveServer->delete($name_script); DESCRIPTION Net::Sieve is a package for clients for the "MANAGESIEVE" protocol, which is an Internet Draft protocol for manipulation of "Sieve" scripts in a repository. More simply, Net::Sieve lets you control your mail-filtering rule files on a mail server. Net::Sieve supports the use of "TLS" via the "STARTTLS" command. Net::Sieve open the connexion to the sieve server, methods allow to list all scripts, activate or deactivate scripts, read, delete or put scripts. Most of code come from the great Phil Pennock sieve-connect command-line tool <>. See Net::Sieve::Script to manipulate Sieve scripts content. CONSTRUCTOR new Usage : my $SieveServer = Net::Sieve->new ( server => '', user => 'user', password => 'pass' ); Returns : Net::Sieve object which contain current open socket Argument : server : default localhost port : default 2000 user : default logname or $ENV{USERNAME} or $ENV{LOGNAME} password : net_domain : sslkeyfile : default search in /etc/ssl/certs sslcertfile : default search in /etc/ssl/certs autmech : to force a particular authentication mechanism authzid : request authorisation to act as the specified id realm : pass realm information to the authentication mechanism ssl_verif : default 0x01, set 0x00 to don't verify and allow self-signed cerificate notssl_verif: default 0x00, set 0x01 to don't verify and allow self-signed cerificate debug : default 0, set 1 to have transmission logs dumptlsinfo : dump tls information METHODS sock Usage : my $sock = $ServerSieve->sock(); Return : open socket Argument : nothing Purpose : access to socket capabilities Usage : my $script_capa = $ServerSieve->capabilities(); Return : string with white space separator Argument : nothing Purpose : retrieve sieve script capabilities list Usage : foreach my $script ( $ServerSieve->list() ) { print $script->{name}." ".$script->{status}."\n"; }; Return : array of hash with names and status scripts for current user Argument : nothing Purpose : list available scripts on server put Usage : $ServerSieve->put($name,$script); Return : 1 on success, 0 on missing name or script Argument : name, script Purpose : put script on server get Usage : my $script = $ServerSieve->get($name); Return : 0 on missing name, string with script on success Argument : name Purpose : put script on server activate Usage : $ServerSieve->activate($name); Return : 0 on pb, 1 on success Argument : name Purpose : set named script active and switch other scripts to unactive deactivate Usage : $ServerSieve->deactivate(); Return : activate response Argument : nothing Purpose : stop sieve processing, deactivate all scripts delete Usage : $ServerSieve->delete($name); Return : 0 on missing name, 1 on success Argument : name Purpose : delete script on server Minor public methods ssend Usage : $self->ssend("GETSCRIPT \"$name\""); sget Usage: $self->sget(); unless (/^OK((?:\s.*)?)$/) { warn "SETACTIVE($name) failed: $_\n"; return 0; } sfinish send LOGOUT closedie send LOGOUT and die closedie_NOmsg closedie whitout message die_NOmsg die BUGS I don't try plain text or client certificate authentication. You can debug TLS connexion with openssl : openssl s_client -connect -tls1 -CApath /etc/apache/ssl.crt/somecrt.crt -starttls imap See response in "Verify return code:" Or with gnutls-cli gnutls-cli -s -p 4190 --crlf --insecure Use Ctrl+D after STARTTLS to begin TLS negotiation SUPPORT Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-net-sieve at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. AUTHOR Yves Agostini <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2008-2012 Yves Agostini - <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. sieve-connect source code is under a BSD-style license and re-licensed for Net::Sieve with permission of the author. SEE ALSO Net::Sieve::Script