perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install

If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'.


The primary module provided with this distribution, 
Bio::GMOD::GenericGenePage, is an abstract perl class that provides a 
render_xml method to create the gene page XML, but does not fetch the
data.  In order to effectively use this module, you need to subclass it
and implement all of the methods that are listed under ABSTRACT CLASSES
below for your database.  These abstract methods are responsible for 
providing Bio::GMOD::GenericGenePage with the data to create the XML.

There are two example impmentations included with this module.  
Bio::GMOD::GenericGenePage::Chado is a simple implementation for a Chado
database populated with S. cerevisiae data obtained from SGD as GFF3. 
Currently, the output of this implementation can be seen at

and by clicking on any of the genes (red arrows).

The other implementation, CXGN::Phenome::GenericGenePage, is from SGN, the SOL
Genomics Network.  The XML they provide can be seen by clicking on the
"Download GMOD XML" link on any of there locus pages; for example, this one:

For more information see (GMOD WEB PAGE) or contact Scott Cain,

      Usage: my $genepage = MyGenePage->new( -id => $gene_identifier );
      Desc : create a new gene page object.  should be overridden
      Args : not specified
      Ret  : a new gene page object
      Side Effects: none as implemented here, but subclass
                    implementations may have side effects

      Usage: my $xml = $page->render_xml();
      Desc : render the XML for this generic gene page
      Args : none
      Ret  : string of xml
      Side Effects: none

  render_html NOT IMPLEMENTED!
      Usage: my $html = $page->render_html();
      Desc : render HTML for this generic gene page.  you may want to
             override this method for your implementation
      Args : none
      Ret  : string of html
      Side Effects: none

    Methods below should be overridden by each GenericGenePage

      Usage: my $name = $genepage->name();
      Desc : get the string name of this gene
      Args : none
      Ret  : string gene name, e.g. 'Pax6'
      Side Effects: none

      Usage: my @syn = $genepage->synonyms();
      Desc : get a list of synonyms for this gene
      Args : none

      Ret : list of strings, with the canonical/official/approved gene
            name first.
            e.g. ( 'Pax6',
                    "Dickie's small eye",
      Side Effects: none

      Usage: my @locs = $genepage->map_locations()
      Desc : get a list of known map locations for this gene
      Args : none
      Ret  : list of map locations, each a hashref as:
             {  map_name => string map name,
                chromosome => string chromosome name,
                marker     => (optional) associated marker name,
                position   => numerical position on the map,
                units      => map units, either 'cm', for centimorgans,
                              or 'b', for bases
      Side Effects: none

      Usage: my @terms = $genepage->ontology_terms();
      Desc : get a list of ontology terms
      Args : none
      Ret  : hash-style list as:
               termname => human-readable description,
      Side Effects: none

         my %terms = $genepage->ontology_terms()

         # and %terms is now
         (  GO:0016711 => 'F:flavonoid 3'-monooxygenase activity',

      Usage: my @dbxrefs = $genepage->dbxrefs();
      Desc : get a list of database cross-references for info related to this gene
      Args : none
      Ret  : list of strings, like type:id e.g. ('PFAM:00012')
      Side Effects: none

      Usage: my @refs = $genepage->lit_refs();
      Desc : get a list of literature references for this gene
      Args : none
      Ret  : list of literature reference identifers, as type:id,
             like ('PMID:0023423',...)
      Side Effects: none

      Usage: my $summary = $page->summary_text();
      Desc : get a text string of plain-English summary text for this gene
      Args : none
      Ret  : string of summary text
      Side Effects: none

      Usage: my $species_info = $genepage->organism
      Desc : get a handful of species-related information
      Args : none
      Ret  : hashref as:
             { ncbi_taxon_id => ncbi taxon id, (e.g. 3702),
               binomial      => e.g. 'Arabidopsis thaliana',
               common        => e.g. 'Mouse-ear cress',
      Side Effects: none

       Methods below should be overridden by each GenericGenePage implementa‐


         Usage: my $name = $genepage->name();
         Desc : get the string name of this gene
         Args : none
         Ret  : string gene name, e.g. 'Pax6'
         Side Effects: none


         Usage: my @accessions = $genepage->accessions();
         Desc : get a list of local accession values
         Args : none
         Ret  : a list of local accessions
         Side Effects: none

       Note that these are the accession the is used by the MOD providing the


         Usage: my $data_provider = $genepage->data_provider();
         Desc : The name of the data providing authority (ie, WormBase, SGD, etc)
         Args : none
         Ret  : string, name of the data provider
         Side Effects: none


         Usage: my @syn = $genepage->synonyms();
         Desc : get a list of synonyms for this gene
         Args : none

         Ret : list of strings,
               e.g. (  '1500038E17Rik',
                       "Dickie's small eye",
         Side Effects: none


         Usage: my @locs = $genepage->map_locations()
         Desc : get a list of known map locations for this gene
         Args : none
         Ret  : list of map locations, each a hashref as:
                {  map_name => string map name,
                   chromosome => string chromosome name,
                   marker     => (optional) associated marker name,
                   position   => numerical position on the map,
                   units      => map units, either 'cm', for centimorgans,
                                 or 'b', for bases
         Side Effects: none


         Usage: my @terms = $genepage->ontology_terms();
         Desc : get a list of ontology terms
         Args : none
         Ret  : hash-style list as:
                  termname => human-readable description,
         Side Effects: none

            my %terms = $genepage->ontology_terms()

            # and %terms is now
            (  GO:0016711 => 'F:flavonoid 3'-monooxygenase activity',

       Note that the value in that has is the the concatenation of F:, B: or
       C: for molecular_function, biological_process, or cellular_component GO
       terms respectively.  If the term does not belong to GO, there is no
       prepended identifier.


         Usage: my @dbxrefs = $genepage->dbxrefs();
         Desc : get a list of database cross-references for info related to this gene
         Args : none
         Ret  : list of strings, like type:id e.g. ('PFAM:00012')
         Side Effects: none


         Usage: my @comments = $genepage->comments();
         Desc : get a list of comments with types
         Args : none
         Ret  : a hash of comment=>type, where type is optional (empty string)
         Side Effects: none


         Usage: my @refs = $genepage->lit_refs();
         Desc : get a list of literature references for this gene
         Args : none
         Ret  : list of literature reference identifers, as type:id,
                like ('PMID:0023423',...)
         Side Effects: none


         Usage: my $summary = $page->summary_text();
         Desc : get a text string of plain-English summary text for this gene
         Args : none
         Ret  : string of summary text
         Side Effects: none


         Usage: my $species_info = $genepage->organism
         Desc : get a handful of species-related information
         Args : none
         Ret  : hashref as:
                { ncbi_taxon_id => ncbi taxon id, (e.g. 3702),
                  binomial      => e.g. 'Arabidopsis thaliana',
                  common        => e.g. 'Mouse-ear cress',
         Side Effects: none