

For a convinient place for all of the following modules, look for
ftp://html2latex.sourceforge.net/html2latex/pub/.  They won't be the
lastest ones, but they should work.

html2latex requires the following perl modules:

html2latex can use, but does not require (I hope not, anway):
	*LWP::Simple (called libwwwperl too)

These are needed if you want to use URLs instead of just files, or if
you want to use images in your HTML that are not on your computer, but
are on the Internet

Each of the modules may require further modules installed; check their
documentation to see.  

If you want a really easy way to install both of these, try typing
"perl -MCPAN -e shell" on the command line.  This is a voodoo magic
interface to CPAN (Comprehensize Perl Archive Network).  You will need
an internet connection running, and should be root to install as well.
Once their, type "install MODULE", where MODULE is the name of the
module you wish to install, such as HTML::TreeBuilder.  For more info,
try "man CPAN".


All Documentation is in HTML::Latex.pm itself.  The default
configuration file (in XML) is at the bottom of it under __DATA__.


If you need a good example of how to use HTML::Latex, look for
html2latex at http://html2latex.sourceforge.net.  It's why HTML::Latex