Catalyst::Plugin::Params::Profile - Parameter checking with

        package MyAPP;
        use Catalyst qw/Params::Profile/;

        # In a controller
                        'method'    => 'subroto',
                        'profile'   => {
                                    testkey1 => { required => 1 },
                                    testkey2 => {
                                            required => 1,
                                            allow => qr/^\d+$/,
                                    testkey3 => {
                                            allow => qr/^\w+$/,

        sub subroto : Private {
            my (%params) = @_;

            return unlesss $c->validate('params' => \%params);
            ### OR
            my %opts = $c->check_params or return;

            ### DO SOME STUFF HERE ...

            my $profile = $c->get_profile('method' => 'subroto');

        ### Multiple Profile
                        'method'    => 'subalso',
                        'profile'   => [
                                        testkey4 => { required => 1 },
                                        testkey5 => {
                                                required => 1,
                                                allow => qr/^\d+$/,
                                        testkey6 => {
                                                allow => qr/^\w+$/,

        sub subalso : Local {
            my (%params) = @_;

            ### Checks parameters agains profile of subroto and above registered
            ### profile
            return unlesss $c->validate('params' => \%params);

            ### DO SOME STUFF HERE ...

    Catalyst::Plugin::Params::Profile provides a mechanism for a centralised
    Params::Check or a Data::FormValidater profile. You can bind a profile
    to a class::subroutine, then, when you are in a subroutine you can
    simply call $c->check($params) of $c->validate($params) to validate
    against this profile.

    For more information read the manual of "Params::Profile" , the methods
    below are just an interface on it.

Public Methods
    See "Params::Profile" for more information about the specific methods,
    the onse listed below are the most important.

    $c->register_profile('method' => $METHOD, 'profile' => \%PROFILE);
    $c->get_profile('method' => $METHOD);
    $c->validate('params' => \%PARAMS);
    $c->check('params' => \%PARAMS);

    Checks $c->req->params against the profile of the calling sub. It
    returns a HASHREF containing validate parameters, or undef on failure.
    It will also log to Catalyst::Log about what happened.

    Extra options to this sub are:

    params OPTIONAL
        Validate against params instead of $c->req->params

    profile OPTIONAL
        Validate against profile instead of profile of calling sub

    allow_unknown OPTIONAL
        Pass the unknown parameters to the return HREF rather than filtering
        them out.

        Instead of returning a hashref containing validated params, return
        the Data::FormValidator::Results object.

        NOTE: Only tested with Data::FormValidator yet!!

        This module also registers a method name called "system.methodHelp"
        into the Server::XMLRPC plugin when it is loaded. This method will
        try to explain in plaintext the arguments for the subroutine by
        parsing the given profile.

        Example output when system.methodHelp is called with one argument
        containing the name of the method you'd like to be explained:

            Required arguments are:
             * customer_id
             * username
             * product

            Optional arguments are:
             * roaming
             * card_type

        NOTE: This currently only works for Data::FormValidator profiles.

        This module by Michiel Ootjers <>.


        Jos Boumans <>.

        profile explanation
            Fix the profile explanation to explain profiles other than

        Please submit all bugs regarding "Catalyst::Plugin::Params::Profile"
        to ""

        This module is copyright (c) 2002 Michiel Ootjers
        <>. All rights reserved.

        This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
        under the same terms as Perl itself.