# LaTeXML::Plugin::latexmls [](https://travis-ci.org/dginev/LaTeXML-Plugin-latexmls) [](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dginev/LaTeXML-Plugin-latexmls/master/LICENSE) A socket server for daemonized LaTeXML processing ## Installation Just another Perl module: ``` perl Makefile.PL ; make ; make test; sudo make install ``` Or ```cpanm latexmls```. Make sure that LaTeXML has been installed prior to installing this Plugin, as well as all modules reported missing by Makefile.PL. ## Example use See the main use pattern by the [latexmlc](https://github.com/brucemiller/LaTeXML/blob/master/bin/latexmlc#L123) executable of LaTeXML.