POE::Filter::IRCv3 - Fast IRCv3.2 parser for POE or stand-alone use


    my $filter = POE::Filter::IRCv3->new(colonify => 1);

    # Raw lines parsed to hashes:
    my $array_of_refs  = $filter->get( 
        ':prefix COMMAND foo :bar',
        '@foo=bar;baz :prefix COMMAND foo :bar',

    # Hashes deparsed to raw lines:
    my $array_of_lines = $filter->put( 
          prefix  => 'prefix',
          command => 'COMMAND',
          params  => [
          prefix  => 'prefix',
          command => 'COMMAND',
          params  => [
          tags => {
            foo => 'bar',
            baz => undef,

    # Stacked with a line filter, suitable for Wheel usage, etc:
    my $ircd = POE::Filter::IRCv3->new(colonify => 1);
    my $line = POE::Filter::Line->new(
      InputRegexp   => '\015?\012',
      OutputLiteral => "\015\012",
    my $stacked = POE::Filter::Stackable->new(
      Filters => [ $line, $ircd ],

    # Functional parser interface:
    my $event = POE::Filter::IRCv3::parse_one_line(
      ':foo PRIVMSG #bar :baz quux'


A [POE::Filter](https://metacpan.org/pod/POE::Filter) for IRC traffic with support for IRCv3.2 message tags.

Does not rely on regular expressions for parsing.  Benchmarks show this
approach is generally faster on the most common IRC strings.

Like any proper [POE::Filter](https://metacpan.org/pod/POE::Filter), there are no POE-specific bits involved here
\-- the filter can be used stand-alone to parse lines of IRC traffic (also see

In fact, you do not need [POE](https://metacpan.org/pod/POE) installed -- if [POE::Filter](https://metacpan.org/pod/POE::Filter) is not
available, it is left out of `@ISA` and the filter will continue working

## POE / Object interface

### new

Construct a new Filter; if the **colonify** option is true, 
the last parameter will always have a colon prepended.
(This setting can also be retrieved or changed on-the-fly by calling 
**colonify** as a method, or changed for specific events by passing a 
**colonify** option via events passed to ["put"](#put).)

### get\_one\_start, get\_one, get\_pending

Implement the interface described in [POE::Filter](https://metacpan.org/pod/POE::Filter).

See ["get"](#get).

### get

    my $events = $filter->get( [ $line, $another, ... ] );
    for my $event (@$events) {
      my $cmd = $event->{command};
      ## See below for other keys available

Takes an ARRAY of raw lines and returns an ARRAY of HASH-type references with 
the following keys:

#### command

The (uppercased) command or numeric.

#### params

An ARRAY containing the event parameters.

#### prefix

The sender prefix, if any.

#### tags

A HASH of key => value pairs matching IRCv3.2 "message tags" -- see 

Note that a tag can be present, but have an undefined value.

### put

    my $lines = $filter->put( [ $hash, $another_hash, ... ] );
    for my $line (@$lines) {
      ## Direct to socket, etc

Takes an ARRAY of HASH-type references matching those described in ["get"](#get) 
(documented above) and returns an ARRAY of raw IRC-formatted lines.

#### colonify

In addition to the keys described in ["get"](#get), the **colonify** option can be 
specified for specific events. This controls whether or not the last 
parameter will be colon-prefixed even if it is a single word. (Yes, IRC is 
woefully inconsistent ...)

Specify as part of the event hash:

    $filter->put([ { %event, colonify => 1 } ]);

### clone

Copy the filter object (with a cleared buffer).

### debug

Turn on/off debug output, which will display every input/output line (and
possibly other data in the future).

This is enabled by default at construction time if the environment variable
`POE_FILTER_IRC_DEBUG` is a true value.

## Functional interface

### parse\_one\_line

If the filter is being used as a stand-alone IRC parser and speed is of the
essence, you can skip method resolution & queue handling by calling the parse
function directly using the fully-qualified name:

    my $ev = POE::Filter::IRCv3::parse_one_line( $line );

The function takes a single line and returns a HASH whose structure is
described in the documentation for ["get"](#get), above.

If the given line cannot be parsed, the function returns false (rather than
throwing an exception, as ["get"](#get) would).

There is currently no functional interface to message string composition


Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>

Licensed under the same terms as Perl.

Original implementations were derived from [POE::Filter::IRCD](https://metacpan.org/pod/POE::Filter::IRCD), 
which is copyright Chris Williams and Jonathan Steinert. This codebase has
diverged significantly.

Major thanks to the `#ircv3` crew on irc.atheme.org, especially `Aerdan` and
`grawity`, for various bits of inspiration.








There are also some similar IRC parsing implementations in other languages.

JavaScript: [https://github.com/expr/irc-message](https://github.com/expr/irc-message)

Rust: [https://github.com/TyOverby/irc-message](https://github.com/TyOverby/irc-message)